Playing Catch Up- The Burman Way

Playing Catch Up- The Burman Way

Sorry for the lack of posts- between school, practices, games, bills, and cars- I have somewhat forgotten to update everyone on life. Teaching has created new challenges... like waking up early. We have also had to adjust to schedules being completely different each day (I personally HATE that!).

Grissom has been getting in trouble lately- I come home first and he has gone through the bathroom trash. Best part- He knows when I get home and then he hides from me. Today he went outside and then directly to his "room" (crate) because he knew how disappointed I was. Then when Ben gets home its all fun and games. Looks like we have found our roles as parents, I am the yeller and he is the lover. I am OK with this seeing as my mother did a great job on punishments: always remember the corners and neck grabs.

Even when we are mad at him or he is getting in trouble, we still have a good night ritual- see if you can hear his signature noise.


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