We have been too busy to blog!

We have been too busy to blog!

Family and Friends- This time of year has not only kept us from being together, it has also kept us from blogging. You are about to be caught up on life- and of course see cute pictures as well as videos, per usual.

Lets see- since November we have had some snow, wrapped some gifts (I get this talent from my Grandmother Glenna- just got her gifts in the mail... there was a live pine cone on one of Ben's gifts!), sent out christmas cards and decorated a christmas tree. Please see attached pictures for documentation.

Our first (REAL) Christmas Tree - 2011

Not only have we been busy with decorations we have also been very crafty and played with our lovely dog/child Grissom. Notice Ben is actaully helping with the crafts and absent when the dog needs yelled at! Probably because he was off yelling at his students and players... ohhh kids!

Grissom and all his adventures in the last month:

There have also been several life changes in our lives lately... but I will save that for another post! Enjoy all the updates and we will return as soon as Christmas break comes!

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