Big Burman News!

Big Burman News!

Well, these past few weeks have been busy and a bit stressful. The stress has ended on a good note and we are really looking forward to this summer. Even though Ben will not have the summer completly off, like me ("off" meaning away from school... but still working at the pool) he is still enjoying the idea of busy times at work. If you hadn't heard yet, Ben was the salesman of the month in January, you know his FIRST month ever of selling cars!

Check out his handsome picture in the Fort Wayne paper!

Ben and I celebrated our first Valentines day together and it was so cute! we did small gifts and grilled steaks. Ben got us a married couple devotional book, based off the movie Fireproof. The Love Dare and it has been really neat to read it outloud everynight. He also got me a bag of all the things I love, like yogurt, Snapple Iced Tea and Junior Mints. He even got me pretty earrings. I got practical gifts for him: a new pair of work shoes, and an itunes gift card for his sweet new iphone 4S.

This past week was also rather busy for me, Tiger Dance Company has started up and we actually performed at the halftime of the basketball game on Saturday. I am also teaching little girl lyrical dance classes. I adore how little girls are so into dance! I am also teaching an older girls class, I have some regulars now. The following video was taken by Ben at the basketball halftime- he is such a good dance coach husband :)

As I said before, for Valentines Day we decided to get small gifts for eachother because we expanded our family! We are now the proud parents to Keady Burman a 9 week old chocolate Lab. Grissom thinks she is a new toy, I am madly in love and Ben talks to her like a baby and called her "sweetheart" last night... a name I am positive he has never called me. All in all- we are so happy to have her!

Isn't she cute!

This is how she slept ALL night.
As you can see all this would be big Burman news- we will post more pictures and videos of Grissom and Keady, I will keep you updated on dance videos and come buy a car from the famous car salesman Ben!

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