A Baby Story

A Baby Story

Though this post is two weeks late.... Amelia Kay Burman was one day early.

On Wednesday June 12th, Ben and I had an appointment with Dr. Fouts and discussed the fact that my dilatation had stalled at 1 1/2 cm and Amelia was measuring at 41 weeks! We decided, since Ben was a 10 pound baby, that getting this show in the road before going over my due date would be a good idea. We opted to be induced on Thursday night, June 13th. Fun fact: June 12th is our wedding anniversary! So we went out to a fun dinner after setting up our induction time and relished in our last night as "non-parents". Happy two years of marriage to us!

We arrived at the hospital on Thursday night and I was given medicine to help "ripen" the cervix and then told to sleep all night (yeah right!) I would then be checked in the morning for progress. Well after one night, NOTHING! So another medicine that would be faster was administered twice, then they broke my water....  the worst news of the day, there was meconium in my fluid and that meant possible breathing problems for Amelia. After that news and very little dilation, Ben and I talked about how my anxiety could possibly be stalling the labor. The nurse suggested an epidural. (I DID NOT WANT THIS!)

I had planned on a NATURAL birth, with no medication, so an epidural was the last thing I wanted, but I set myself up for this decision when I opted to be induced. So we (yes we, Ben was the best support/hand holder/voice of reason) got the epidural, and thank the Lord I did! They pushed Pitocin after the epidural and things really started going, I was relaxed (minus one panic attack due to an oxygen mask) and I was able to sleep. The labor took off late afternoon and at 8pm I was measuring 7cm. Even though I couldn't feel much I was exhausted. My body was working so hard and all I wanted was more sherbet.

I was dilating about 1 cm per hour and figured at that rate this baby would be born on her due date. My wonderful nurse came to check me around 9pm and to mine and Ben's surprise... it was time to push! We were so surprised! Then reality set in for both of us. As the nurse buzzed around the room, the doctor was called, and the NICU nurses were rallied we just looked at each other in amazement and smiled. This was it, the day we had been waiting for.

Ben helped me through transition, I was shaking so bad and trying to breath to stay calm. Ben made a "birthing playlist" and got some Dave Matthews going. When the room was empty- Ben said a prayer and we had our last moment just the two of us. The nurse came in and we started pushing. As my young nurse said, "I was pushing like a Boss!" I loved her. I was so good at pushing I was told to stop pushing and wait for the doctor to arrive. (Umm, fighting the urge to push is the hardest thing in the world to do!) I began to curse the doctor's name and getting rather mean. Ben was giving me ice chips and asked if I would like him to stand across the room and throw them into my mouth, I looked at him like an idiot and started to laugh, this made me push and that was not good. I love him.

The doctor arrived, I had about three good pushes and Amelia came into the world. The pain was MINIMAL. I would do it again tomorrow. Ben, after saying he wouldn't go beyond my knee, held one of my legs, coached me through breathing and pushing and saw our angel be born! Then he cut the umbilical cord! I was so impressed. Then the longest 35 minutes of my life began. Amelia was taken to the NICU folks and they suctioned her lungs and I watched and cried to hold her, as things became less of an emergency and more routine I was talking to Ben and she turned her head and looked for that voice. She recognized my voice! Be still my heart.

Amelia Kay Burman 
7lbs 11oz 19in
June 14th 2013

I was then able to hold her, and it was EVERYTHING I had ever imagined. She didn't cry and she snuggled and the room cleared out and it was Ben, Amelia, and me. Ben said another prayer this time for our future as a family and thanks for such a smooth delivery. We spent the next few minutes staring at this baby we helped create and then at each other. The time flew by and then family came rushing in and haven't stopped since.

We have been home for almost two weeks and breastfeeding, sleeping, and changing diapers are our new hobbies. I can't imagine doing things without Ben. Thank the Lord we are on summer break. Amelia is doing great! I love her new alertness and coos. She looks JUST like Ben and loves being held. We are so lucky and blessed. Thank you for all the support and love! We are working on thank you cards!

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