Amelia - 1 Month

Amelia - 1 Month

Amelia is now 7 weeks that makes her older than 1 month... but we were very busy and we were at the lake on July 14th, so here is her one month photo shoot. I promise to take some pictures on the 14th of each month post a little something about this growing mini me.

I would also like to give a shout out to my dear husband who convinced me to get this amazing camera- I feel like a professional! Thank you to my mom as well for finding be a 30 day free trail of photoshop. I think I might have found my new hobby, taking pictures of the cutest baby alive. Isn't that every parents hobby though?

Facts about Amelia:

Amelia loves to watch daddy play video games.
Amelia is gaining weight - she weighs 8lbs 10oz.
Amelia is now in cloth diapers.
Amelia love cuddling with mommy in the morning.
Amelia is exclusively breastfed.
Amelia loves being outside.
Amelia is sleeping through the night.
Amelia had her first smile on July 21st at 9:36am (according to her mom!).
Amelia will talk to her toys and her mommy and daddy.
Amelia is thankful for her daddy, who bought her a swing!
Amelia and Grissom are still learning to love each other.
Amelia hold her head up like a big girl!

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