Baby faces and Zucchini Bread

Baby faces and Zucchini Bread

Amelia is starting to really have a personality! She will sit in your lap and basically talk and make faces at you. Here are a few shots from the lake while she was in Ben's lap!

Also, we are happy to announce that for the most part, Amelia is sleeping through the night. She loves being swaddled and this keeps her snug and warm all at the same time. Now, I let her take naps on her belly, she just sleeps so long and well when she curls up! I check on her often and today she was just so perfect, so I snapped this shot very quickly!

This morning after the first feeding I made zucchini bread. I love late summer early fall zucchini recipes! Rosemary had a great season with her garden and sent me home with two very big zucchini so I used one and made two MASSIVE loaves of bread. The recipe actually yields 4 loaves but I just made two very big ones. Go big of go home right!? When I bake in the early mornings of the summer I am reminded of my Great Grandma Minnie. She used to bake early in the summers since it was cooler and that way when we got up, we had fresh baked goods for breakfast. I catch myself calling Amelia, Millie- I like to think it is a variation of Minnie.

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