Amelia's Boyfriend

Amelia's Boyfriend

On September 21st, one of my bestest gal pals had her little boy here in Bluffton! Holly and Bill have been so helpful through our pregnancy and the birth of Amelia, I only hope Ben and I can be just as helpful. Seeing their little boy, Kalvin John Leising, makes me realize how fast Amelia has actually grown! We took a few pictures of the little ones to compare size, and because we are already planning their wedding.

Congratulations to our wonderful friends! We can't wait to be in-laws together! 

Holly and Kalvin
The little love birds! 

And just a little cute photo from the football game where Holly and I cheered on our husbands since they were actually playing against each other. This is Amelia at her first football game- look at those cheeks, hat and she was loving her new ring sling! 

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