Is it Spring yet?

Is it Spring yet?

Well, the forecast says more snow and it is going to get even colder. Winter, I am over you. The prediction of no school on Monday has already been thrown out there and I am not a big fan of that idea! Snow days are like cute new shoes, fun for the first few hours, then they give you blisters and you can't wait to get back into your slippers. Slippers = regular schedule.

Also, my mood might come from a teething baby, sick husband, and the fact that I opened a new bottle of wine tonight, poured a glass, went to put it in the fridge, and dropped the entire bottle! It shattered, I cried a little on the inside. I am just happy to have poured a glass.

Amelia is also growing up TOO fast. I went to get her (the second time this morning... more on that later) from the crib and she was on all four rocking back and forth, almost like she was about to charge the side of the crib. Crawling is just around the corner. She gets on her hands and knees and then just scoots backwards. It will be very soon that she takes off, and I need to baby proof the house!

I wrote in her 7 month post that she was sleeping 12 hours! Well I must have spoke far too early. The last 5 nights she has gotten up between 1am and 3am. Some baby Tylenol, snuggles, nursing and then she is back to sleep. Teething is killing my sleeping groove. Though, I would do anything to take her pain away.

She is still loving food. She seems to enjoy everything we give her. Not a picky eater. She even signs more!


The swim girls made her a crown and she loved it! Our very own little princess! Look at her being a ham! 

That is it for now, I will keep you all posted about more snow days... ugh.
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