Harrison :: 1 Month

Harrison :: 1 Month

If you all remember, each month up until Amelia was one year I did a little photo session and update. I would like to repeat this for Harrison. I am doing my best to make sue he doesn't get the 2nd kid syndrome. The good news is, with a nice camera I find myself practice new techniques on him since he can't run away (like Amelia does now...)

Harrison is a good baby, not as good as Amelia, but not as bad as the horror stories I hear. He loves to eat, and it takes him forever to eat. I feel like Bessy the cow most days. He is either eating, sleeping, or crying. Not much a content fella yet. I know around 6 weeks things start to change. I don't want to wish this time away, but I love sleep, and having my boobs put away for more than an hour at a time.

Harrison at 1 month:
He is holding his head up, mostly while pitching a fit, but it still building muscle.
He is breast/formula fed.
He is sleeping almost through the night 10pm - 6:30 am has been his longest stretch
Amelia loves him.
Amelia helps throw away diapers and put his pacifier in.
He likes to sleep in his swing.
He loves being worn in my Ergo or Ring Sling.
He smiles in his sleep.
He is starting to coo!
He seems to hate his crib.
He constantly gets the hiccups.
He hasn't reached his birth weight YET.
He has grown 1.5 inches though.

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