Amelia's First Haircut!

Amelia's First Haircut!

Today was a big day for Amelia, she had an developmental assessment done this morning and her first hair cut. This afternoon she played hard and helped daddy get the car ready to sell. We had a great time.

One of my old students and family friend, Elizabeth is going to be a nurse. She needed to do a developmental assessment on a child and I of course volunteered Amelia up as lab rat. But honestly, it was cool to peek in from the other room and see her building blocks, caring for a baby dolls and coloring. Results say she is right on track! IT was also good to see Elizabeth in her new element as a nurse.

First hair cut, woof. I teared up but it was time! her hair has been getting harder and harder to maintain. So I made an appointment with the AWESOME Carrie at Achieva Salon. (Everyone should go to her!) Carrie made it so special and had Amelia laughing and looking good.

We then went to the library for some more time out of the house on a sunny day. I fed Harrison and Amelia read books and played for over an hour. It was great. After nap playing in her room until I come get her, we waited for daddy to get home and then put him to work getting the Explorer ready to sell.

We got a sweet new van and are selling our Explorer! Let me know if you are interested!

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