Take a picture of me!

Take a picture of me!

Amelia is so smart.

She will start preschool in the Fall and I am not sure how she will contain her excitement. She got a letter in the mail from her teacher and it had confetti to put under her pillow before the first day of class. I cried. What a great idea!

Yesterday she DEMANDED I take her picture. She then demanded (again) that I use my fancy camera and she sprinted in her room to change her clothes and grab her purse.

I waited outside with Harrison, my camera, and the rest was history.

Notice that tongue. My kids are amazing and I have loved this time together this summer. I am also ready for them to grow while with Miss Shelly, and Mrs. Hiday. School starts for us all soon and I love the structure that brings our family. Cheers to routines.

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