I never thought I would experience this title. I was always prepared for basketball but not football! It's hard work putting together meals for the entire team and their families! Tonight I spent an hour, along side 4 other wives, helping make hamburgers, set up a room, organizing drinks, chips and spoons. Then the families arrived- followed by the players (straight from practice, so you can imagine the delightful smell!) and we helped get everyone settled. Then the seniors and families were released to eat with the coaches... followed by the Juniors, then Sophmores and then Freshman.
At this point there are no chairs and I haven't had food yet. Let me just say all the good stuff was gone and Ben didn't eat any of the salsa I made. A night to celebrate..... or reconsider my title?

The picture is just a portion of the room/senior class in line for food. You can't see Ben- he was already making his dessert plate. I think come swim season- Ben will better understand such a title- "Swim Coach Husband"
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