Since last Sunday we have been "dog-sitting" for Ben's parents. We owe them big time for all the sitting they did around wedding time and the honeymoon. I will say this- having a puppy around makes you realize how mature and behaved your grown dog can be. I never realized how trained Grissom was until a little one who isn't used to our rules or tone just runs around. I have also noticed that with gabby being so small- when she jumps into bed, it is not as shocking OR painful. She is missing her owners though! she will try to lay in my lap in the recliner, just like Steve holds her!
It has been so nice for Grissom to have a playmate! She also brought with her, a bunch of new and even cooler toys- I put them in a basket so we don't step on them in the middle of the night. Here you see Grissom wishing he had thumbs and you see how cute and playful Gabby is:
We also made our first fire last night and I promptly had 3 s'mores!
Ben is such a trooper.
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