Golden Apple Surprise!

Golden Apple Surprise!

Well these past few weeks were busy! Tiger Dance Company started up and is going to be better than last year, swimming had two successful meets and are moving on to sectionals this weekend!

Just when I thought my busy weeks couldn't get any better, they did. After a late bus ride home on Thursday night, I decided to just come in early and finish up grading and Tiger Dance Company odds and ends. Since I would be leaving home so early, I opted out of doing my hair, or dressing up for what I thought would be a normal Friday.

I got to school and finished up all the grading, got things updated on the class website/blogs and even had the classroom ready to go for my first class of the day. I then checked my email, I had a few reminders about a convocation that ALL STAFF had to attend. Normally if I am not needed, I stay in my room and prep, or grade. But this email (plus many others) strictly said all needed to be there.

As the homeroom bell rang I wandered down to the cafetorium, (not before stopping and getting some much needed coffee) said hello to other teachers and even questioned what this was all about. Nobody seemed to know! I did see our Superintendent Wayne Barker there so I knew it must be important. When I walked in the cafetorium I noticed a camera so I figured the school was getting another award (we are a wonderful school after all!) Then.... my heart sank as the students and news caster began to read the letter. Turns out- the award was for me and the day just flew by after that!

Through the nomination of a few of my former students I received the "Golden Apple Award" from Indiana's News Center. Click here to see the TV version!

Here are some videos of the surprise, and interviews. You can also go to the BHS Bloggers website for a full student article!

As you can tell I was very surprised and thankful! I, like many other teachers, work long hours and never see the fruits of our labors. We may get an A on a test or a complete essay, but I want to see my studnets 10 years from now using things they learned in my classroom. This was just a taste of those fruits. Students paying it forward. I love where I work and I can't wait to see what the next 50 years have in store. 

You should all watch the videos since you can hear how much Ben actually had to do behind the scenes to keep me from finding out! What an amazing husband. 

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