The search began in January with plans of finding a Chocolate Lab female puppy for late spring. BUT- we came across this family breeder in Tipton, IN and when I called the litter we were interested in only had ONE puppy left... a female Chocolate Lab. It was a sign. Then, we needed to pick out a name- sticking with the Purdue University theme, Keady (sounds like Katie) was an obvious front runner. Thank you Gene Keady for having an awesome name and being an even better basketball coach.
We then consulted the budget and began making room for the new family member- we drove down to see her on a Sunday afternoon and fell in love. We have had in the house for two weeks now and though the middle of the night potty breaks and all the potty messes are getting old, those loving cuddles aren't.
Grissom was a bit mad at first, but now loves seeing someone else get yelled at. You never realize how well trained your older dogs are until you bring a puppy back in the picture.
Speaking of pictures- here are some snapshots of the little princess. Below the pictures there is a video of Keady and Grissom.
First morning with Keady- can you find her? |
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