Memorial Day Weekend - Loon Lake

Memorial Day Weekend - Loon Lake

Ben and I along with both Grissom and Keady made our way to the annual trip to Loon Lake for Memorial Day. Ben has to work on Saturday's so we had a late start, but I like to go with Ben's saying of "Why rush to relax". With him being gone all day I was able to clean the entire house before we left.

We get the car packed and were on our way in the afternoon.  I must say I think we have the best travel dogs in the world - until Grissom takes off after we open the door when we get to the Lake.... what a punk.

We had fun, it was SO busy though. The store ran out of ice- yes, it was 90 + degrees everyday we were there. Keady was a little scared of the water at first, but since her and Grissom are best friends she followed him in after while. She is a pro at jumping off the pier and raft now! (and the boat.. into the gross channel... twice.) My husband is a saint when it comes to the dogs:

We spent lots of time outside so there aren't many pictures- instead I waited until Ben was grumpy and sun burnt to make him take pictures.... note his ADORABLE faces (sarcasm).

Happy Memorial Day 2012

“Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened.”

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