Summer Happenings

Summer Happenings

The Burman household has been very busy this summer. Ben is coaching football again, but this year it is at Bluffton High School! It is so nice to have him close and now he gets to see the goobers I hang out with all day during the school year.

When we moved into our house almost a year ago the microwave screen did not work. We could use it... we just couldn't see what we were doing. We made it work and it was going fine until the motor that turns the plate at the bottom went out. So we began our search for a new microwave. We have those kind that hang above the stove, great for space.... terrible for our wallets. Luckily Ben found a place that has scratch and dent items and we got a new microwave for a fraction of the price.

Then we (yes we) installed that sucker. Please don't let the photos trick you, I helped carry the bad boy in and held it up while Ben handled the power tools.

All done!
This also brought about a new discussion about one of Ben's biggest pet peeves, having the oven clock and microwave clock on different times.... so he waited for the oven clock to change and quickly adjusted the microwave. He also hates that I leave time on the microwave.... I haven't had a screen to clear in ONE YEAR! This is new and fun.

We have also been spending time in the yard making things pretty for summer. It has been so dry that our poor grass is crunchy! I planted some flowers in some left over center pieces from a bridal shower I threw and then took dollar store bandannas and left over wedding ribbon and created an American master piece:

In other news: we paid off the Saturn today. (Over a year early!!) Dave Ramsey really works people! Also- My little brother Nick made his baseball league All-Star team! He is so good and he even had an injury this year. What a trooper!

Tonight we are having people over for a fire and some drinks- I love having people over and I know Ben does too. Should be a good night, especially if the Celtics beat the Heat. Happy Saturday!

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