Teacher Time

Teacher Time

Wow- I can't begin to describe how busy both Ben and I have been the last few weeks. Teaching is taking a lot of time this year due to a whole new technology being introduced to both teachers and students. In the Bluffton School district we now supply each student with an iPad 3 and each teacher has a MacBook Pro. We had to learn how to go from Windows to Apple products. I am adjusting quickly and I find myself helping other teachers a lot! My school website is a hit with the students and helps even me stay organized.

The Superintendent of Education for Indiana, Tony Bennett, visited our school to see a few teachers in action. I was one of those teachers! If you know me, you know that I do not agree with all that Tony supports or does half the time- so when he came into my classroom with his large group of news people and assistants I almost lost it when he was talking over my classroom instructions. I naturally asked him to be quiet as I was trying to teach... with my Principal in the classroom..... and my superintendent.... and the local newspaper all in the classroom. Yes, I shushed Tony Bennett as he was talking while I was teaching. He clearly didn't read my classroom rules before entering.

The full article can be found here and the film below shows some of our students while Tony was visiting. Sadly I am not in the film (I am sure the cut the footage of Tony being cut down to size by a small town teacher.)

Ben has also been very busy- he has four preps (that means he teaches and must prepare for a total of four classes) this is really tough on a teacher! I have two preps! Baskeball is getting started too- so he has football, basketball, new school and four preps. He basically sleeps with his free time and if I am lucky I watch him play (and win) NCAA College Football on his PS3. I got him to to take video of his classroom for all of those who live far away can see! There are no windows :( and today the power went out for about 30 seconds... can you imagine a class full of hormonal students but you can not see them!

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