This past week was a busy one for both Ben and me. We are in the busiest time for our sports and the next week looks to be just as (if not more) busy for both of us!
I have swimming sectionals this week, middle school swimming and Tiger Dance Company starts up again. Sectionals are on Thursday and Saturday, just like last year I have a swimmer projected to move on to the state tournament, it is a blessing to have dedicated swimmers who work hard.
Ben just had Junior High Night for basketball, he organized all of it and the meal after the game was a huge success, not be out done was the double win the JV and Varsity brought home over South Adams! He now has a few home games to look forward too.
We have almost everything cleared out of the nursery in prep for painting... now all we need to do it paint. It will get done! Our goal is to have everything in place (for the most part) at the end of our spring break. Then the waiting for our little girl begins.
I have another appointment on Feb. 13th, it is routine and with each doctor visit we get more and more excited. I love hearing the heart beat and being told that my weight is good. I am starting to really feel pregnant now, with movements and belly I don't just look chubby. I went swimming this weekend for a workout and realized how "hard" or mostly "weird" it was to swim with a person inside you. She didn't move at all, I am sure it was weird for her too. It was like an womb, inside a womb (Inception anyone?).
That is all we have for now- it is a boring and happy life we live.