This past week has been very crazy. Ben is now in baseball season, I am just weeks away from the Tiger Dance Company show and we had doctor visits, family in town and are still finishing up the nursery/house.
I will start with the nursery and the numerous things we are doing in there! Carpet was installed this week- no picture yet, it is full of gifts now from the baby shower (more on that later).
Light fixture and dimmer switch- did you know Ben doubles as an electrician? He has been so wonderful in all things DIY and with my decor choices. The dimmer switch was his idea and I must say I love it. He took down a horrid fan and put up this beauty!
Dresser - we were so kindly gifted a dresser from a family at church! Thank Craft Family, they even brought it over. We sanded and painted and changed hardware to make it fit our decor. This will be a storage unit and place for changing table.
Before! |
After! |
With all these projects getting finished I am getting more and more excited to meet this little girl! Her daddy is so helpful, he has even put his skills to work outside the nursery. See, Steve Burman (Ben's Dad) made me some shelves that I saw on Pinterest and I really loved. Ben hung them up in the living room :) Please note how much Ben hates hanging things on the walls- something about making everything straight and level makes him frustrated! He did great though, and he kept saying "I am hanging these because I love you and I want you to be happy!"
Finished Project! |
Now, the baby shower and family visits. I am so very lucky to have so many supportive women in my life, from Indiana, New Mexico, Colorado, Florida, and Ohio. So many people came to help me prepare for this baby girl. Lindsay, Ben's sister organized this baby shower and had help from two great friends here, Holly and Leah! My family pitched in and helped too! I was able to spend time with my Grandma Glenna, Aunt DD, Nieces, and ever supportive in-laws.
I put all the gifts in the nursery because I am so thankful and overwhelmed by how much we were blessed to receive. We had to call Ben after he spent the day helping his dad at the lake to come load everything in the big car! Thank you so much to everyone- I am just so thankful. As I get more pictures I will be sure add them!