Burman Family Pictures!

Burman Family Pictures!

Every Christmas Rosemary and Steve collect a photos from their ever growing family and then send out a letter to catch up friends and family on the happenings from the previous year. (Like a paper, once a year blog post!) 

Well this past Christmas, Lindsay and I got together and purchased a gift certificate from a really talented professional photographer to take the famous family picture! We gave it to Rosemary who then handled the rest. We waited until Amelia arrived, the Seder clan was here on vacation, and for a free morning at Potters Bridge in Noblesville. We even coordinated clothing colors! 

Here are some action shots from our shoot this morning! 

We loved Jennifer Driscoll- she matched our colors and was amazing with the kids. 

In other news: we got a new couch and rug for the living room! When you are home all time watching HGTV and DIY Network, you start redoing things in your house. 

I have a new application on my phone that lets me post to the blog from my phone! Be ready for fun quick posts while we are on the move. The Burmans ate going mobile. 

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