Facts about Amelia:
Amelia takes three naps a day.
Amelia is still exclusively breastfed.
Amelia loves bath time, actually water in general.
Amelia smiles at Mommy and Daddy every morning.
Amelia HATES having her nose suctioned.
Amelia weighs 10 lbs 6 oz (at 3 months she finally weighs more than Ben did at birth!)
Amelia loves talking and is makes all kids of new sounds each day.
Amelia loves her "Praise Baby" dvd.
Amelia gets overwhelmed and would rather be alone in swing sometimes.
Amelia sleeps "though" the night. (Still at two feedings).
Amelia FaceTimes with family (we are pretty sure she thinks people live in my iPad).
Amelia drools a lot.
Here are a video of Amelia:
And now for Amelia's 3 Month pictures, her shirt says "Mommy's Cupcake" and it so true!
Loving the dots on her pants.