Amelia - 12 Months

Amelia - 12 Months

Amelia is 1 year old.

I am not the type to tell you she is 13 months, or 36 months. To be honest, that is just too much math for me. I was never any good at my multiples of 12, so anything beyond 2 years would be confusing.

I am a bit late in posting (and taking the pictures), but life with a moving small human is just that... life on the move. I realized how far we are getting from her actual 12 month mark so I snapped some pictures after bath time tonight and I promise professional shots (from Aunt Lexie) coming soon!You will see some serious "over it" faces below. Her personality is snuggly then fierce. I love it. Here are some details about life now with a 1 year old!

Facts about Amelia:
Amelia has a temper. (Oy!)
Amelia knows so many baby signs now; "milk", "more", "please", "no", "Daddy".
Amelia likes to play on the iPad or iPhone.
Amelia loves to swim!
Amelia still sleeps great through the night.
Amelia loves cheese quesadillas (Chef Daddy Special).
Amelia is starting to like Whole Milk.
Amelia still takes a bottle to sleep (three times a day).
Amelia is standing, BUT NOT walking.
Amelia takes at least one nap a day (two if I am lucky).
Amelia loves putting things "away" basically putting toys in different places.
Amelia will be starting up on cloth diapers again very soon. We have been battling YEAST!
Amelia spent the night away from mommy and daddy and did great!
Amelia got her first sunburn, and survived (Thank's to her mom!)
Amelia loves to "read" books.
Amelia is starting to dance to music.
Amelia is starting to watch TV and/or Movies.
Amelia still loves to eat!

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