I am just getting home from TWO trips/vacations of sorts. I spent three days in Dayton and six days at Loon Lake, all while keeping a one year old under control (cookies are the answer). I have been going through my house and getting laundry started, pictures edited, and planning a big trip to the grocery.
I am very happy with how the rest of Stephanie's Bridal shower went. Amelia isn't the best hotel sleeper, but she is great at being a big HAM when dressed all cute. She was perfect at the shower. Not as perfect as the bride to be though. My sister is going to be a stunning bride!
I was able to catch up with family and past high school friends of Stephanie. The decorations were fun to make and seeing it all come together is always fun. Stephanie got lots of neat gifts and you can tell she is loved by all her friends. I can't wait for August!