#6 is my favorite.

#6 is my favorite.

I have been so busy, I almost forgot about The Burman Brag. Trust me, I have plenty to share, just not enough time to type! Sometimes I wish I could just talk to this thing and have it record, maybe next on my list will be a vlog (yes, that is a real things, VIDEO blog.)

The last time I posted was about Halloween, and well... we now have our Christmas tree up, so yeah....

I have so much to tell you: Our Christmas Wish List is still live and has been updated, we got family pictures taken, I have had about 5 swim meets, Amelia had her first visit to the ER for what I thought was a broken arm, Ben had his first game (We are both enjoying winning records), the house is decorated for the holidays, school is speeding by.... 3 more weeks until break! Let me catch you all up on the events above in a numbered list.

1. Christmas List:

Here is the link to our "Wish List", we made it on Amazon! There is an extension you can put on your bookmark bar that allows you to add things from OTHER websites on one wish list. This has been so great for us. It is an easy way to show what we need! You can also send the gifts directly to our house gift wrapped to hide the gift. Amazing.

2. Family pictures preview: 

3. Swimming:

We are awesome. 2:1 and are only getting better. Amelia has started going to Aunt Lindsay's after school so I can be coach and not "coamom". Note, that isn't a word and is basically the hardest hat to wear ever. Here is a drill we do to get the girls to start off the block faster, it is also a great team bonding activity.

4. ER Visit:

I thought I broke Amelia's right arm. Good news, is was a sprain and as of three days later, there is no sign of her ever being hurt. 

We were in the pool on Friday playing while the swimmers dominated a pre made swim set. Amelia had her arms around my neck, but was on my back. She went to roll off, but I held tight to on her arm to keep her from smacking into the brick wall. She rolled, I held, something popped, she yelped, I felt amazing guilt. She wouldn't move her arm, but could wiggle her fingers. I promptly got dressed, got her 'dressed' and got to the ER. Once we got checked in, she got some painkiller and I notified Ben, she calmed down and we got some X-rays. 

Not broken, just sprained and she was very happy to go home and nap. I am pretty sure they were going to call CPS when I told them we were in the pool and she might have broke her arm, I got a few crazy stares seeing as it was roughly 28 degrees out. After some explaining, all was well and we went home, no calls or visits yet. I am so happy she is ok and happy to have the first ER visit out of the way. 

5. Head Coach Ben Burman:

Last night was Ben's first game as a Head Coach and I couldn't be more proud of him! They played North Miami and they won 57-4. Check out his basketball website: www.swraidersbasketball.com, and follow them on Twitter (@swraidersbball). See the pictures I took on the right of the blog, our tagboard! 

6. Christmas Decorations:

I love this time of year! We made a video of us decorating our tree. I am sure I will post more pictures on Instagram, follow our hashtag #burmanbrag. 

So, that is our life in a nut shell, oh one more thing, Amelia likes to take off all her clothes when she wakes up from a nap or in the morning. I will leave you with that fun fact.This is a fun time in our home. Happy Holidays! 

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