Nausea, anxiety, heart palpitations, and exhaustion are all things that are normal, yet make me feel like I am drowning in vomit and a drum is in my chest. Woof. I really hope to start feeling better soon. Baby Burman #2 is already the complete opposite than Amelia.
Speaking of Amelia, I need to get a photo shoot of that girl soon, she is changing so much. We are on spring break and so much time with her, makes me wonder how I will go back to work. We headed up to Loon Lake for a slow start to our break and Amelia LOVED playing on the top bunk with daddy, running around the lake house, a walk outside and looking at all the birds on the frozen lake. She also loves sleeping in and coloring.
We came home to celebrate Aunt Lindsay's birthday and that morning Amelia really showed us her artistic side. I watched her play on the monitor, trying to see if she would lay back down, and what I saw instead was amazing. Amelia took her left hand, stuffed it down her backside diaper, pulled it out and began painted her sheets with poo. I leaped from bed announced to Ben what she was doing (to which he laughed and rolled over) and then began the clean up. She was proud, I was nauseous.
Today was a big day. Ben planned a big family date. We took a trip to Fort Wayne to see Disney on Ice and Amelia was so amazed! There are times in my life I am content and proud of myself, but there is NO GREATER JOY than to see your child utterly excited, clapping, oooOOooing and aaahhhhhing. I teared up. I am so thankful for Ben. He did all that planning on his own. I love him.
We find out boy or girl on May 1st. FYI
No pictures for now. I do have a bunch of Amelia playing in the snow, but I don't want to jinx us on the last snow for the year yet. I hope to blog more. Pray for smooth 2nd trimester and an over all healthy baby.
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