Here we are, week 17 and I am feeling great. Man, this little one did a number on my weeks 5-11. I think the words "I think we will be done after two" came out a few times. Ben was amazing (per usual) and I am so thankful for the friends and family who came to the rescue. Also, I would like to say that Zofran is a magic drug. I started going to the Chiropractor a few weeks ago and that really helping me. Carrying Amelia on my hip and the growing a kid thing has been rough on my body.
So far I haven't gained any weight, but it sure feels like it! I have felt a few flip flop movements at night as I go to bed. My belly is much harder, bigger, and just pregnant sooner. Amelia is starting to point to my belly when I ask, "Where is mommy's little baby?" My heart couldn't be any fuller.
I am looking forward to summer and grilling, I am also excited for daily walks, and trips to the park. I am also going to fully enjoy being pregnant at the lake. I will be the fat pregnant lady laying out AND I can't wait. I have already picked out a few bathing suits. Bring on the sun!
17 Weeks |
In non-baby news, Amelia is now in a toddler bed. She didn't miss a beat, it was like she had been waiting for this change for a while. She is such a big girl. Potty training starts June 2nd. Wish us luck!
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