Pumpkin Painting and Famous Coach

Pumpkin Painting and Famous Coach

I thought painting pumpkins (vs. carving) would be safe, clean, and less of a mess in general. Well, I would say it was some of those things, and fun. Amelia stayed home Thursday and Friday with us as it is Fall Break for Southern Wells and Ben is home. This is great because we get to hang out before the storm that is basketball season. Also great because Amelia has a chest cold and just wanted mommy and daddy.

As stated, we are in the quiet days before basketball takes over. I love watching Ben coach. I also love how the young men grow by knowing him. His team is great with our children and now that I also work at the same school I am part of the 'family' known as the basketball program. This past week was media day and here is part of Ben's interview.

If you have ever wanted see how organized Ben can be, check out his basketball website. I might have designed it, but he runs the upkeep and organizes it. I am so blown away by his thoughtfulness, and growing program. 

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