The Nursery :: HCB

The Nursery :: HCB

I am still working on "The Birth Story :: HCB" but I did take a few pictures of Harrison's nursery and I just wanted to share those while I was thinking about it. We didn't re-paint. Poor kid is already getting the rough end of the deal huh? I actually liked the golden rod color and it matched our plan for the decorations.

Our colors are navy, gold, white, and black. We used a Dave Matthews concert poster and a Purdue Basketball picture as our guide and went from there. We are reusing Amelia's crib and rocking chair (thank you mom!)

Little man isn't in the room yet, but I sure do spend lots of time in this room nursing and changing diapers. I loved being frugal and using what we already had for this room. I now just need an office again.

Had to throw one of Amelia's big girl room too! 

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