Florida Trip 2016

Florida Trip 2016

We had our first big family trip and it went so smooth. We drove to North Port, Florida. We took our new van and packed it full of toys, food, and DVDs. We spent 13 hours in the van the first day and made it south of Atlanta (I thought we might end up on the evening news due to Ben's road rage and hours acrewed as driver, but the worst he did was cut off a guy from joining our lane and said "Have some forsight sir." I admire him) The next day was only 8 hours in the car and that seemed like cake!

We enjoed three days of pools, sunsets on the beach, sharing a family room, and LOTS of Berhalter love. Amelia calls her Pappy (my dad) "Happy" and it makes me fall in love with her that much more! Harrison was such a great baby on the drive and during our time in Florida.

The day we left Happy and Grammy got Amelia an Easter gift and we were able to load up the van in peace. It was a smooth drive to Atlanta, we again played in a hotel pool and ate pizza in bed. Amelia watched cartoons on the iPad and the rest of us passed out.

The kids both slept 3+ hours on the last day in the car, that was CLUTCH. We made great time, didn't have to stop much and got to enjoy some quiet. Honestly, our kids were AMAZING little road trippers.

I didn't get my camera out much, I wanted to experience more than be photographer. I did snap lots of our sunset session and Amelia's first time at the beach. I think she thought it was a big lake with a sandbox.

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