This blog has been therapeutic and more than that, it has been a way to slow time down and remember the things so easily forgot.
I quit my job a Insight School of Indiana, I have so little nice to say about that job. I met a few GREAT ladies but only seeing them once a month didn't help me in the hell I was living. After a rather stressful meeting where more people complained than helped, I looked on the state job posting site. Sure enough, a local job was open right then! I didn't waste any time. I called the principal, explained my situation and he told me to apply as soon as possible.
I was hired after my interview and started the Monday after Thanksgiving. I took over for a woman who retired and was able to teach Theatre, Film and Literature, English 11, and Technical Theatre. I have loved working at Norwell High School so far. That is right, I will have now have taught at all three Wells County schools.
The kids are doing great with Shelly. I am in the process of enrolling Amelia for preschool next year, yeah, I know it is crazy early BUT all the great places fill up so fast. Harrison is walking like crazy and he cut a tooth last night, that rounds the count to 8 teeth! Ben gets a small break from grad classes as he will be doing his internship at the SW elementary school.
Enjoy some pictures from our family session, and I will be doing a "Winter Break" and "Year in Review" post in the coming days.
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