What a fun season.
It was full of new. Ben celebrated his first Christmas NOT in his childhood home; his parents are currently living in our basement as the renovate their lake home, so they too were in a new season of life. I gave up on trying to keep up, so no Christmas cards were sent, I am going to do New Year/Thank You cards instead, and small gifts were sent. Our first Christmas to host, and I enjoyed the decorating so much that I busted the real camera out to document.
We have since put all the decorations away, but our first festive season in the new house was a success. We hosted Christmas Eve and I so enjoyed having all the kids running around, eating Chinese food, laughing with my sister-in-law and just making new memories.
I like to use what we already have, like wreaths made from the trimmings of our tree, and the red ribbon (still from our wedding) to hang things! I should have gone to more after Christmas sales to stock up, more square space, means more to decorate. Next year I will be more prepared for the other spaces, so this year I just focused on a few areas and made mental notes for the coming Christmas Seasons.
I was so lucky to see this really neat hanging Christmas sign from The Honeysuckle Shop - It was actually a vintage Christmas gift bag that has been up-cycled. I am beginning to see worth in thing before my time. They have made it this far, why push them to the side? Vintage is my love language.
Enjoy taking a step inside our winter wonderland.

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