
Archive: August 2014

A Morning with Millie

A Morning with Millie

Amelia - 1 year and beyond (part I)

Amelia - 1 year and beyond (part I)

I had no intentions of doing the monthly updates beyond month 12. Then, Ben asked me when I was going to update her pictures…

Teacher Exhaustion

Teacher Exhaustion

Tomorrow is Friday of week two of back to school 2014-2015. Maybe it was the rough start to the year, or the fact that when …

5 down....

5 down....

177 more to go. How is it only Wednesday? School "started" last Thursday for teachers are we had students join o…

Zoo Trip - Final Summer Family Day

Zoo Trip - Final Summer Family Day

Yesterday we went to the Fort Wayne Zoo! It was Ben's idea, we had one more day of real summer together and he wante…

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