Harrison :: 6 Months

Harrison :: 6 Months

I am so late in posting this! We were on vacation when Harrison turned 6 months old and I was playing catch up all week from being on the road for a week straight. He is growing like a weed. He had his appointment this week (with shots of course) and he is weighing in at 17 pounds. Apparently his head is growing faster than his body and we have to go back at the end of the month to have it measured again. I think there is a direct correlation to the head growth and how smart he is getting (ooooor that he started eating baby food this month) either way I am not too worried.

We learned that he is a great traveler! I serioulsy can't imagine a smoother trip with a baby his age. He was like clock work and for that I am so very grateful. The older he gets the more I think he looks like me, and I am also grateful for that.

Harrison at 6 months:
He loves to eat. (As in he screams from when the spoon leaves his mouth, until I shovel more in.)
He is teething.
He found his voice and likes to make just noise.
He is still napping about twice a day.
He is rolling where he wants to go. (One might even say her is Rollin Dirrty... when he poops)
He likes it when Amelia comes in his room in the morning.
He is still a Momma's boy.
He hasn't realized stranger danger yet!
He loves to jump in his jumper.
He is wearing 6-9 month clothing
He liked the pool in Florida.

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