
Archive: June 2014

Bridal Shower Weekend - Part 1

Bridal Shower Weekend - Part 1

This has been a weekend full of family visits, and it's no over! As I wait for Amelia to fall asleep in her pack and pl…

Quick Bath

Quick Bath

With dinner getting more and more messy, bath time went from comforting to necessity. This girl gets dirty! At night we all…

Amelia - 12 Months

Amelia - 12 Months

Amelia is 1 year old. I am not the type to tell you she is 13 months, or 36 months. To be honest, that is just too much ma…

Youth Camp and DMB

Youth Camp and DMB

Last week was crazy! Ben hosted his first big event as the head coach. He had youth camp, which when you don't have assi…

We are happily married, have a one year old, and fathers are the bomb.

We are happily married, have a one year old, and fathers are the bomb.

I feel as though I have been neglecting the blog. Find peace in this though, it means I spend more time kissing Amelia, teac…

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